Steps 9/10 24,714 | Cinnamon: Nonhuman x Human Yuri Anthology 8.72/10 13,730 | Itoshi Koishi 9.45/10 13,646 | Omoi no Kakera 7.2/10 11,547 | Fujouri na Atashitachi 9.19/10 8,824 | Kirakira 6/10 5,080 | Blast 10/10 4,297 | Senpai no Neko 5.6/10 3,774 | Yuri Hime Selection 7.33/10 3,438 | Renai Log 10/10 2,984 | Chouchou Nannan 7/10 2,693 | Love Flicker 8/10 2,650 | Abyss 0/10 1,762 | Girlish Sweet: Atashi no Kanojo 6/10 1,689 | Junk/Jewel 0/10 1,496 | Koi no Kaori 8/10 1,406 | My First Lady 0/10 1,388 | Girl Meets Girl 9/10 1,114 | Maniac Honey 0/10 1,047 | Virgin Beauty 0/10 1,009 | Girls Love Life 0/10 937 | Hatsukoi no Chikai 0/10 897 | Seasons 0/10 886 | Love Me! 0/10 880 | Valentine's Magic 0/10 867 | Seesaw x Game 0/10 851 | Iroha: Sweet 0/10 824 | Girlish Beast [es] 0/10 805 | Back Lash 0/10 725 | Deep (takemiya Jin) 0/10 32 | Chouchou Nannan: 2nd 0/10 5 |
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