エデンのうらがわ ; The Backside of Eden
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Rating: 8/10 (3 votes)
Eden no Uragawa manga summary: From Fujoshi Bitches Photographer Akiba is indebted to Arimura for giving him work so he is asked by Arimura to take a young man under his wing. He takes in a guy named Ikumi who seems to be involved with the straight Arimura. Even though they are lovers, Ikumi has no idea when Arimura will be back. Regardless of what he does in this complicated situation, Akiba gets depressed about this troublesome mess he has gotten himself in, but Ikumi's innocent nature proves to be likable and living with him is surprisingly pleasant. The dazzlingly gentle blessed days of an up-and-coming photographer and a freeloader uke!
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