Electricity (Denki) A high school student despairs of ever making friends on account of his appearance scaring everyone off. However, the new transfer student with the unique and 'electrifying' physique shows up in time to prove him wrong.
I Don't Wanna Hold On You (Dakishimetakunai) When middle-aged salaryman Masato is laid off, student Tatsuya hires him to take care of his apartment… and other, more personal services. But when Masato starts to have doubts about accepting Tatsuya's money, what will Tatsuya do to stop him from leaving?
Reason For Desire (Yokubou no Riyuu) The rich and lonely young businessman gets into a scuffle with a castoff vagrant. He gets a bit more than he bargains for when he takes the man in as live-in housekeeper.
Secret Knife (Himitsu no Naifu) Two solitary people walking similar paths, one an assassin for the yakuza, the other a shinigami, meet and find their way to mutual love and understanding.
Rose and Knife (Bara to Naifu) Sequel to Secret Knife. Yato comes upon an old partner who is bent on "reteaching" him how to be a ruthless killer once again. Kamui, however, will do anything to keep that from happening.
Keep Up Your Right! (Migikawa ni wo ki wo tsukero) I Don't Wanna Hold On You omake
(Source: Shi-Ran & Liquid Passion)
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