クールでわんこな後輩・黒田くんは、『待て!』ができない , , Kuroda-kun Can't Wait
Followed by 272 people
Authors: Iwahata Takiyo
Rating: 8.91/10 (11 votes)
"It's okay if you c**. I want to see more of you like that."Cool, good-looking, (various) big eater with glasses x Loves to eat, a little fluffy, naturally older office lady"I often hear that people who eat well are also good at s**."Nene, who works for a healthcare company, is an ordinary office lady who loves food. However, lately I've been concerned about the weight around my stomach, so I've been going to the in-house gym.There, he met Kuroda, a junior at the same company who had a cool and quiet demeanor.By chance, Nene ends up having dinner with him.She is attracted to Kuroda-kun, who is a big eater, which is hard to imagine from his slender appearance, but he feels that he has a complex about her...Nene tries to cheer him up, but because he's drunk, he ends up saying something outrageous.And then, for some reason, I decided to have s** with him...! ?"Senpai, would you like to try it?"+
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