超電磁大戦ビクトリーファイブ, Super Electromagnetic Wars Victory Five
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Authors: Hasegawa, Yuuichi
Genres: Adventure Shounen Mecha Sci-fi
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
The crossovers of "Chou Denji Robo Combattler V", "Chou Denji Machine Voltes V", and "Toushou Daimos". The manga consist of 2 parts: Part 1: Jewelion, a murdered couple of Valerian and Boazanian's daughter tried her parent's revenge and destroy the peace treaties of Earth, Planet Campbel, Planet Boazan, Planet Baam. Combattler V, Voltes V, and Daimos fights against Jewelion's attack. Part 2: An evil Campbelian who is a model of android Great General Garuda came over with Daltanious in "Mirai Robo Daltanious" from the dimensional distance, and is going to do space conquest. it revealed mask man who chased Garuda was Prince Heinel, thought to be dead when saved his young brother, Kenichi's life.
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