チャイム♪~ピーチな生徒とバナナな教師~, Chime, Balance, Koishikute Koishikute, Chuuken Nikki, Doushiyoumonai Bokutachi wa, Sakuranbo Fruits Gyuunyuu, Norainu Elegy, Kimi ga Mezametara, Hanamuke, Diary of a Faithful Dog, We Just Can't Help It
Followed by 115 people
Authors: Ootsuki, Miu
Genres: Yaoi School life
Rating: 8/10 (6 votes)
1. Chime 2. Balance 3. Koishikute Koishikute 4. Chuuken Nikki (Diary of a Faithful Dog) 5. Doushiyoumonai Bokutachi wa (We Just Can't Help It) 6. Sakuranbo Fruits Gyuunyuu 7. Norainu Elegy 8. Kimi ga Mezametara 9. Hanamuke
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