Chicchai Shima no Dekkai Gaaru , A Tiny Island's Huge Girl , ちっちゃい島のでっかいガール
Followed by 8 people
Authors: Aoi Mashirou, Aoima Shirou
Genres: Comedy School life Seinen Slice of Life
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
Description : 2nd-year middle schooler Shigeru finds herself moving from the city to a tiny island. It seemed to her that there was no entertainment or anything of the sort over there, so she had a feeling that her new life was going to be frustrating and anxious; but after learning that there is a tall girl bigger than a building among her classmates, she can't stop feeling excited! The huge Mikuru, the class president-type Rin, and the transfer student Shigeru are the only members in their small class of three. Their numbers may be few, but every day is exciting! This is a slow-life comedy about the three's laid-back school life, drawn with excitement!
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