Kämpfer 9.56/10 12,574 | Sexual Hunter Riot 9.61/10 4,044 | Maburaho 0/10 2,070 | Short Stories: Boy Meets Girl in Three Minutes 0/10 1,667 | Tokimusubi 10/10 1,572 | Soutaisei Moteron 0/10 1,170 | Tokarev no Ayaui Shiro 0/10 1,071 | Brave Witches Prequel: The Vast Land of Orussia 0/10 931 | Family-Play or Complex? 0/10 879 | Brave Witches Prequel 0/10 865 | Hen The Classroom 0/10 737 | Shireikan Leon 0/10 713 | Meigyoku no Almaine 0/10 705 | Kantai Collection: Kagerou, Batsubyou shimasu! 0/10 692 | Soumei no ULAT 0/10 673 | Hayate no Gotoku! 0/10 11 | Sexual Hunter Riot 0/10 8 | Kämpfer 0/10 7 | Maburaho 0/10 6 |
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