ないしょの話 山本ルンルン作品集 , 秘密 , Naisho no Hanashi - Yamamoto Lun Lun Sakuhinshu
Followed by 21 people
Authors: Yamamoto Lun Lun
Genres: Comedy Drama Fantasy Josei Mystery Psychological Romance Slice of Life Supernatural Tragedy
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
Description : A collection of one-shots by Lun Lun Yamamoto, all done for *Flowers*, filled with bittersweetness and charm.- **Between Us** (ないしょの話, Naisho no Hanashi)- **Miss Schwartz is in Despair** (ミス・シュワルツは絶望している, Miss Schwartz wa Zetsubou Shiteiru): An older woman who isolates herself from others gets a new perspective on things when she meets the town alien.- **Future Prescription** (未来処方箋, Mirai Shohousen)- **My Rose-Colored World** (ぼくのばら色の世界, Boku no Bara-iro no Sekai)- **Cynthia** (シンシア)- **Sky-Blue Lily** (空色のリリィ, Sorairo no Lily)Placed 16th on Kono Manga Sugoi! in 2014.
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