Basukaveru-ka no seiryaku kekkon, The Marriage of Convenience Mr. Baskerville, バスカヴィル家の政略結婚
Followed by 230 people
Authors: Tsubasaki fujiko
Artists: Takasato michi
Genres: Drama Historical Romance Adaptation
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Baskerville, the family of tragedy. Sophia, the daughter of a wealthy family, is told to marry Gwyn Baskerville, the heir of the Baskerville family, who succeeded the title at the age of thirteen. Gwyn was known as "tragedy" boy who has recently been in the crowd after the recent tragic death of his family. . Sophia manages to establish a relationship with Gwen, but she has a secret that no one else could tell. A story that deepens the bond between a boy who chases the truth of his family's death and a girl who can see the dead.
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