Bokura no☆Hikari Club 8.86/10 12,998 | Litchi☆Hikari Club 7.73/10 10,462 | Genkaku Picasso 7/10 7,839 | Litchi Hikari Club 9/10 3,701 | Akai Kiba 0/10 3,354 | Happiness 9/10 2,008 | Kanojo wo Mamoru 51 no Houhou 10/10 1,782 | Ningen Shikkaku 2/10 1,612 | Jisatsu Circle 9.33/10 1,604 | Teiichi no Kuni 0/10 1,463 | Marie no Kanaderu Ongaku 0/10 1,435 | Palepoli 10/10 1,355 | Joshikousei ni Korosaretai 4/10 1,334 | Short Cuts 0/10 1,315 | Innocents Shounen Juujigun 0/10 1,184 | Shounen Shoujo Hyouryuuki 10/10 1,153 | Wsamarus 2001 10/10 1,136 | Plastic Girl 0/10 1,091 | Donki Korin 0/10 1,076 | π 0/10 935 | At Na-chan's 0/10 795 | Shounen-tachi no Iru Tokoro 0/10 747 | Garden 0/10 13 |
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