胸にとげさすことばかり , 胸にとげさすことばかり , 가슴에 가시 박힌 것들뿐
Followed by 77 people
Authors: Kari, Sumako
Rating: 10/10 (3 votes)
Akira Hinatsu resents his father. So much so that after graduating high school, he runs away from his home in the countryside to the big city of Tokyo. But as fate would have it, Akira has to go back to his hometown - something he never intended to do until now- after receiving the news of his father's death. Everybody is surprised to learn that Akira is Mr. Hinatsu's son. It hasn't been that long since Akira's disappearance, so why is everybody so shocked? Who else could they have thought his son was?
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