[Power Imbalance Anthology] Aehwa Teahouse ; [불공정 단편선] 애화 다방 ; 애화 다방
Followed by 927 people
Authors: Whipped Cream Red Bean Bun
Genres: Webtoons Yaoi Adult Mature
Rating: 8.88/10 (72 votes)
*"I won’t fall. So please, never hand me over to someone else." Does Minyoung know that no matter how determined an expression he puts on, it’s of little use when his face looks so pale? But there was no way his sincerity could be any greater than this. Finally, Hyuksoo took off all his clothes and leaned down. With Minyoung’s knee wedged between his legs, he bared his teeth in a grin. ''Alright. If you want it that badly, then prove your worth yourself."*
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