Created By praxis
481 manga
personal faves: FINISHED: "Lee Doona", "A Loving Existence", "Unlucky Mansion", "A Bittersweet Couple", "Secret Playlist", "I See Your Money", "The Lady and Her Butler", "The Girl and The Geek", "Love Deficiency", "Swim Classes For A Mermaid", "Gatabutata", "Positively Yours", "Give Me A Flower, And I'll Give You All Of Me", "Something About Us", "Airplanes" ONGOING: "Match Made in Heaven By Chance", ""Hans and Emily", "The World They're Dating In", "Our Secret Alliance", "Three Brothers", "How To Turn You Around", "Stupid Cupid", "Picture Perfect", "Crossing The Lines", "I Don't Write What I Should Write"
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